Discover Local Attractions from our Centrally Located Hotel

The National Museum of Ethiopia
6 km from the hotel
Where Lucy’s fossil is found
Open: 9:00am-5:00pm

Holy Trinity Cathedral
5 km from the hotel
Is the highest ranking Ethiopian orthodox
in Addis Ababa built by
Emperor Haile Selassie in 1942
Open: 7:00 am -6:00pm

Unity Park
Is in the premises of the Grand palace
Open: 9:am- 6:00pm

Friendship Park
6.7 km from the hotel
Garden paradise in the heart of the city
Open: 6am-6:30pm

Entoto Park
17 km from the hotel
Mountain gateway from the city,
plenty of play areas and hiking trail
Open: 6am – 8pm

Ethnological Museum
7.9 km from the hotel
A cultural museum,
a place to visit to fully understand Ethiopia
Open: 8:30 am – 5:30am

Zoma Museum
10.5 km from the hotel
An art museum inspired by traditional
Ethiopian construction method
Open: Tue -Sun, 10am-6:30am