Addissinia Hotel

Addissinia Hotel

  • Djibouti street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addissinia Hotel

Addissinia Hotel

Sustainability, a grass figured person running

Hotel Sustainability Practices

We want to contribute our share to preserve our planet

We have started the journey!

 Below are some measures that we have already implemented in our hotel and intend to incorporate more substantiable practices in the future. 

  • Sort and recycle our trash
  • Towels/sheets re-use program
  • Led lights used throughout our hotel
  • Motion detector lights in our corridors and stairs
  • We use reusable key cards for guest room entry
  • All our toilets are dual- flash to reduce water use
  • All our handwash faucets are fitted with aerator for water conservation
  • we have replaced the traditional " clean/ Don't clean" card with a bed side wall switch

Ethiopia as a country takes sustainability seriously

Local companies that use sustainable materials.

Addis Ababa shopping tour, solerebles purple shoes

Internationally known brand.
Produces footwear from recycled tires

alternative Addis glass jar

Produces jar from recycled glass bottle.

Sustainability, open-air market Markato plastic collection

Open air- market in Merkato
" Minalesh Tera"